


順位 選手名 スコア1 服部 真夕 -3
2 井芹 美保子 0
N・キャンベル 0
イ・ボミ 0
上原 彩子 0
茂木 宏美 0
7 永井 奈都 +1
福田 裕子 +1
キム・ソヒ +1
諸見里 しのぶ +1



ヤマハレディースオープン葛城 初日◇30日◇葛城ゴルフ倶楽部(6,587ヤード・パー72)>







2位T:井芹美保子 (E)
7位T:永井奈都 (+1)
7位T:福田裕子 (+1)





順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 2日目◇7日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の2日目。4アンダーの36位タイからスタートした石川遼は、この日も4つスコアを伸ばしトータル8アンダーの27位タイでホールアウト。実に米国メジャー最終戦「全米プロゴルフ選手権」以来4週ぶりの予選通過を果たした。






桑田氏、19オーバーでツアー初挑戦終える 立浪氏は26オーバー


順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 2日目◇7日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>
 三重県にある涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部で開催されている、国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の2日目。主催者推薦で出場した元読売ジャイアンツ桑田真澄氏は8ボギー・1ダブルボギーの“82”でホールアウト。トータル19オーバーでレギュラーツアー初挑戦を終えた。同じくプロトーナメント初参戦の立浪和義氏はトータル26オーバーでフィニッシュしている。





順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 2日目◇7日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の2日目も初日に引き続きバーディ合戦が繰り広げられた。予選カットラインは5アンダー。これは、今季の「VanaH杯KBCオーガスタ」を上回るツアー歴代2位の記録となる。そんな中、首位に飛び出したのが上平栄道。INコースからスタートすると4連続を含む9バーディを量産。圧巻の“63”でトータル15アンダーをたたき出して一気にリーダーズボードの頂点に駆け上がった。

桑田氏、19オーバーでツアー初挑戦終える 立浪氏は26オーバー






順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 2日目◇7日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の2日目。5位タイからスタートしてこの日も“66”をマークした池田勇太がトータル13アンダーでホールアウト。首位と2打差の2位タイと好位置につけた。









順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11


TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇8日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は朝からコース付近に雷雨のためスタートが遅れたが、状況は変わらずさらに1時間遅らせて、合計2時間遅れでのスタートとなった。




順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11


TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇8日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は雷雨のため3時間スタートが遅れていたがさらに30分遅らせることが発表され、当初の予定より3時間30分遅らせてのスタートとなった。







NCAAB basketball picks - big favourites

It's pretty widespread awareness that public tend to overrate favorites. Still now and then in NCAAB, this bets are paying if or had learned what to look for.

Actually, each team, regardless if home, away, underdog or favorite, could be rewarding in certain cases, so do not set your limits low - an edge exists for any of these cases.

I will look at those teams which ought to achieve victory, those double digit favorites.

Though barely 49,3% win against the spread, now and then they are undervalued, for example if they dropped their previous game and were favourite in that game. In this situation they are 50,5% against the spread. This comes from that loss, and one feel comfortable to wager on, for instance, 15 point underdog than a 5 point dog, since one starts match with big odds, although you put money on bad team.

If that big favorite furthermore did not win previous matchup with its current opposition, we get a small odds movement toward that team which gives us 52,3% against the spread for us. This percentage is exactly on the outskirts of profit,so we will need at least one more factor to implement to get moneymaking system. For example it can be that our team, furthermore comes from BB losses, and therefore its form is looking bad.

This system will get that team circa 1,5 point edge on average or 56,5% vs the line. Take care though, do not anticipate that you will find a number of 10+ favorites losing 2 straight games. All the same it is moneymaking edge which is going to help you get solid plays. Still do not forget you should take into consideration other influences which our system consider. Important factors ,for example, injuries, exhaustion or odds movements will influence the result of each match.

The bottom line is: do not bet carelessly any edge, it can lead to poor house. One must examine in details the matches for which the system says you should have some advantage. And then determine is it wise to wager your hard earned money on that double digit fav team.

Pro football handicapping – revenge – do or die

I know you heard about revenge in many places in betting on sports, although does revenge, when it comes down to NFL picks, have anything to do with winning by making right football picks?

Well, it does sometimes, sometimes it doesn't, just like with any other sport.

When researching this trends, i get it done starting with all applicable games.

Making an examination at last twenty seasons at teams which lost in their last encounter with their opposition and were favorites in that last game, You will find out that there's no actual edge for teams that are on revenge. This is true in both situations whether last matchup was played in current or one of previous seasons.

However lets have a look what goes on if this game should be be referred to as "dog revenge" i.e. if team failed to win that last matchup as a dog. It seems that dogs get small edge. (51.7% win against the spread). This is a stunner, don't you think?

If we go on in our quest for favourable NFL picks, and take a look at teams which are on a double "dog revenge" i.e. they lost last 2 matchups vs. their opposition as a dog, we come to a profitable information: in 53.7% cases, its gonna be worthwhile to bet on that team. You must admit this is even more stunning!

You might ask why doesn't it work out like in some of other sports, when losing favourites get extra boost in following game? Simply said: cause teams have small amount of games. And they don't get excited and fired up for a revenge cause so much time has passed.

And why do former dogs get so fired about a rematch? The truth is they truly aren't all that excited to get revenge. Because my observances are made looking at a closing line odds, the only explanation is: line move. Required line movement is just 1 point to get us this sort of gain. It is very expected because casual handicappers put importance on past encounters.

This plain pro football system will give you 50-60 plays every year and one must have a good argument to go against it.


Finding the Right Jump Program - Following these Easy Tips Will Get You the Jump Program that's Right for You

The 1st query in any sportsman's mind is going to be, "Can such a program work for me?" unfortunately, most programs don't work, and this fact not only leads to lost time and cash - it could also create a position where a sports figure is risking injury.

There are numerous considerations when assessing jump programs, and by gaining a larger appreciation of the lacks of the bulk of the info available, it gets less difficult to find the right program to help someone realize their goals. Other times, a jump program is formed as part of a promoting program where the true goal is to earn income. In all cases, it's important for a sports figure to conscientiously research many jump programs to find a bonafide one. The main reason for that is that an inferior program isn't total when teaching a sports figure the easy way to actualize a diversified coaching regimen.

This is urgent, as it is not productive to basically target 1 or 2 systems when there are no less than 9 variables concerned in effective vertical jump coaching. Working on one's explosion is just one facet of improving jumping capability, but many programs will act like this one element is the "Holy-Grail" of a jump program.

Training and coaching are vital components of any athletic coaching program, as it is imperative for an athlete to not only receive feedback, but also to be certain that they're following the steps correctly and safely. Almost all of the jump programs available leave an athlete on their own when it comes to support. It is impractical to believe that an individual will experience dramatic results threw just the reading of a book or article.

It takes much more than this to get to the goals set out. Even if supplied with all of the best info on the easiest way to improve one's vertical jumping capabilities, failure is inevitable if a sports figure doesn't take controlled and dedicated approach to their coaching. The private attributes that are required to achieve success at any kind of coaching has to come from inside, and there isn't any jump program in the world that can do the work for an individual. A good program is a starting place, but there are more mandatory tools that has to be exploited if a sportsman is going to get the most out of their efforts.

There's no use investing money and time into a jump program if somebody isn't going to show the work-ethic and commitment needed. Along the same lines as correct discipline, a particular diet program have to be used together with correct coaching if you're going to reach their potential. Finding a jump program that gives a reasonable diet plan is imperative in permitting muscles to get the fuel they need to be as strong and efficient as possible. Jump programs aren't solely to be thought of as being advantageous to those wanting to boost at basketball, football, or any sports that requires a good vertical jump.

There isn't any other program that accounts for the genuine formula required for improving one's vertical like The Jump Manual. Don't depend on writers to do a coach's job - instead enroll the help of pro sports trainers who take pleasure in what they do.


I want to play college football - Getting recruited for football

The recruiting process can be a confusing thing to a young student athlete who doesn't know anyone who's gone through it before. If you are feeling totally lost like I was in high school, here are 3 simple steps to get your recruiting journey on its way.

Step One-

Where do you want to play? Everyone has their dream program where they've wanted to play ever since they started playing football. But you've got to leave yourself open to other options because life doesn't always work out the way you planned. Make a list of the top five schools you want to play for (for most people these are the big name Division 1 schools). Then make a list of about ten to fifteen other schools that may not be your all time favorite but that you would like to play for. Then pick around twenty to twenty five programs that are schools where you would like to play for because of varied reasons like their geographic location or maybe have an education program that you are interested in i.e. you want to be a writer and they have an excellent journalism school. Don't just limit yourself to Division 1 schools either. Of course they are going to be on the top of your list but you should also include Division IAA schools, Division II and III as well as Junior Colleges and NIAA's. To increase your odds you should be contacting anywhere from close to 50-100 coaches.

Step Two-

Write your Educational and Athletic Cover Letter and post it. This is usually a document that is no longer than one page with all of your important school and football information on it. You'll have things like your name and contact information, GPA, Class Rank, as well as your ACT and SAT scores if you have taken them at that point, and any extracurricular activities. You will also have things like your height, weight, position, maybe any accurate combine numbers, your statistics by year and any honors you have received like All Conference. Also include references like your high school coaches phone and e-mail number. This should be brief and to the point. If you think some information is not important, then don't include it, because coaches see tons of these things all the time and only look for certain things. Now start posting this on online recruiting sites, as well as mailing or e-mailing it to coaches. Do not mass email your Cover Letter to coaches without first taking the time to personalize it, like putting Dear, (Coaches Name), and writing a few lines about why you want to play for their program. If you don't do this it makes you look lazy. If you don't take the time to personalize it, the coach probably won't take the time to look at it. If you need more help you can always Google search "Athletic Cover letter" or "Athletic Resume".

Step Three-

Create a Highlight video. Back when was in high school (wow that makes me feel old) most of the games were filmed on VHS and you had to get two VCR's to edit your highlight tape. Now it is much easier to upload your video to a computer edit it and then post it online, so a coach can watch it over the internet. This makes things a lot cheaper. Coaches usually want to see a highlight tape and then a film of a full game if they are interested in you. When it comes to your highlight tape, don't worry about cool effects or good music. The coach will most likely just mute the video and you don't want silly effects distracting from what's really important, you making plays. On your highlight tape try and put all your better plays towards the front because coaches don't have much time to be watching your video all day. When you send your video to the coach make sure you also attach your Cover Letter.


First Time Playing Paintball

People often anticipate and fear the first time they play paintball. Questions that typically come to mind are, "Does it hurt?" and "Is it dangerous?" The truth is, paintball is a fun game for most people who don't mind a little minor pain here and there.

To begin, players are going to need paintball markers to shoot paintballs, goggles, a face mask, knee pads, elbow pads, and a cricket box if the player is a male. Goggles should not be removed. This is to prevent damage to the eye while players are firing in the person’s direction.

Since there is some pain associated with being hit on bare skin, it's best to cover up as much exposed skin with clothing as possible to lessen the pain. The heavier the clothes, the less soreness. This game is very safe, as long as players provide proper protection to their eyes, mouth and ears. Teeth can be chipped and eardrums can be ruptured without taking necessary precautions. Markers should be kept around 280 feet per second (FPS), plus or minus 15 FPS.

As for the stings, most of the time they last for only a minute, and sometimes the pain isn't there at all. Paint that hits exposed skin hurts much more than contact with layers of clothing. If a close range shot hits a player, it will likely sting as well as bruise. The closer the shot, the more pain. The paint will wash out of clothes, but it may cause some tearing and ripping. It's best for the player to wear clothes he or she can easily do without for everyday school or work activities.

The breakage of skin and some bleeding may be caused by paintballs shot at close range, but typically, these minor injuries are nothing to fuss over. Bruises or welts caused by shots typically go away in less than a week.

Other players will often target others known to be new to the game. Often, people that are new can be easily identified by them standing around and just shooting. When a player is known to be new, many may swarm to his or her spot and begin to shoot. One hit may only sting, but many shots at once hurts, especially if those shots are at close range.

It's best for people to approach the game of paintball with strategy. Playing with a teammate and staying concealed is the best way to be victorious. New participants may not understand the game at first, but as they get better, they usually come to love this excellent sport.

Paintball Is More Popular Than Ever

Paintball has been one of the most exciting and adrenaline pumping sports of modern day. Invented 30 years ago for use in military exercises and training, the game would slowly move to the private sector where it was then played residentially by a number of weekend warriors.

By the early 1990s, the game had become a national sensation where leagues, tournaments, and eventually champions were born. There are a few different types of play that people enjoy. There is the traditional open-air environment where Capture the Flag is the most enjoyed game, and there are warehouse games, or speedball play, where players use barriers and rapid-fire techniques. Equipment has also came a long way from simple pistol grip single-shot guns to automatic rifles and even special paintball pants instead of sweats.

Open Air Play For many, open air play is the only way to play the game. Open air play consists of a large field where there have been artificial barriers erected as well as many natural barriers and hiding places. Open air play is usually a flagged, wooded area where anything within that field is fair game. The game most often played on these fields is some version of Capture the Flag. Capture the flag is where players are divided into two teams. Each team has a flag placed within their side of the field, usually somewhere in the rear. Once game play begins, the two teams attempt to capture each others' flag without being shot.

Warehouse Play Warehouse play is slightly different than open air play. Warehouse play usually involves a warehouse converted into a paintball field, simulating close combat. Players do not hunt one another as in open air play but mainly stay in a strategic position in an attempt to hit other players. This type of game play incorporates rapid fire techniques, which is when a player uses both the middle-finger and index finger to pull the tripper in rapid succession. Players may use over 100 paintballs in one game.

Tools of the Trade Equipment has undergone many transformations over the last few years. There are guns that are fully automatic. There are even paintball grenades, which are paint filled plastics that explode in a large radius. For those that don't like getting their clothes covered in paint, there are paintball pants, paintball jerseys, and even paintball helmets that can be purchased. There are even different types of paintballs such as high velocity and increased accuracy paintballs. One can find used equipment on many classified internet trading websites as well as their local paintball field.


Athletes World Records Electrolytes,Hydration,& Performance

Kick It Into High Gear!

Electrolytes, Hydration, & Performance. When your body is working at high performance levels, body temperature is raised, increasing sweat production and the need for re-hydration, as well as electrolyte replacement. The rise in body temperature is caused by a few different factors: muscles are working at peak performance to enhance athletic ability, and they are producing energy in the form of heat, which raises the core body temperature. Also contributing to this rise in temperature is the increased blood flow, which is a result of the sweating process as your body tries to cool the skin.
As sweat output increases, water input isn’t generally maintained to the proper equilibrium needed to keep you body at a stable hydration, therefore causing dehydration. This can lead to decreased daily athletic ability and an increased risk of injury, as well as unnecessary fatigue and exhaustion.

Because these factors cause your body to be at high risk of dehydration during athletic performance, re-hydration play a major role in maintaining a healthy athletic regimen. Some athletes may believe that water is sufficient for hydration, and although water intake is very important, water alone cannot replace the minerals lost during exercise and sweating. This is because sweat contains vital minerals and nutrients know as electrolytes.

Electrolytes are essential to all higher life forms and are a composition of sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chloride and phosphate. A excellent quality sports drink will contain all six. Beware of those that short-change you in the electrolytes. Without electrolyte replacement, over-hydration or hyponatremia (a condition which can lead to nausea, vomiting, headache, and in extreme cases, coma) can occur. Adequate electrolyte supplies also help stimulate the thirst mechanism which lags behind the need. It also helps reduce post-workout soreness and helps prevent muscle cramps. Beware of sports drinks that tout themselves as "sodium free". "Low sodium" is a sales pitch for foods, but for a sports drink, it is most inappropriate. You need about 100 mg of sodium to adequately absorb the water for proper hydration.

But now, to energy replacement. The last thing an athlete needs to run out of is energy. Energy means blood glucose which goes into the muscle to form muscle glycogen to power the muscle. You can maintain a proper supply by consuming about 25 grams of carbohydrate every half hour as you exercise. Most sport drinks tend to be too low in carbohydrates, about 3.9%. Research shows 25 grams of carbohydrate or 11% to be optimal for energy replacement.

The Shaklee Corporation consistently takes a different approach. The difference is that they developed a product called Performance, based on solid research and then proved that the product works. The most amazing development and test of a sports drink was the Daedalus Project. A human powered airplane called the Daedalus was to be powered 74 miles across the Aegean sea. This meant 74 miles of a man pushing bicycle type pedals to keep a propeller going and the plane aloft.

This is a phenomenal endurance test. The energy output is equal to running three marathons back to back. Performance is a patented carbohydrate delivery system called "Opticarb".

The flight took place April 23, 1988. After four hours and 74 miles later, the flight ended successfully. The pilot was monitored during and after the flight. Now read this carefully.

His heart rate never exceeded 142

At no time during the flight did he experience any significant fatigue.

This is important: his blood glucose stayed constant.

He drank nearly four quarts of fluid.

Body weight loss was minimal showing he was well hydrated.
(They predicted an eight pound weight loss.)

His electrolytes remained in a normal range.

The ONLY source of fluid, electrolyte, and energy replacement was Performance by the Shaklee Corporation. That was 1988; the formula has not been changed because it is still on the cutting edge of nutritional research, and Shaklee has the proof to back it up.

Proper fluid replacement can enhance and improve the performance of any athlete. Anytime you are doing anything physical (athletics, yard work, your job) and perspiring 30 minutes or more, choose Performance. (See links below article for more info, pictures and more.

Poontoon Boats and Hurricanes

Small pontoon boats and other boating vessels are particularly vulnerable to storms, hurricanes in particular. When a hurricane is bearing down on your area, it can be frightening for lots of reasons. As we're going through our preparations, there's a long list of things to check off, and it can be easy to forget some of the little things. But one thing that shouldn't be forgotten is to prepare your boat. It's dangerous to assume that your boat will be safe because it is a natural floating device, but it doesn't take much to unleash a boat from a dock and send it out into the water, after which you may never see it again.

Your boat is a big investment, so if you have time, make sure it's ready. And even if there isn't a hurricane on the horizon, if you live in a hurricane-prone area it can't hurt to put some of these measures in place at all times.

What to do before the storm comes

If you want to be safe from a hurricane, here are some steps to take on the boat:

· Check all of the boat's windows, ports, doors, and hatches to ensure that they are completely watertight. To be safe, you might want to use some duct tape to seal them up.

· If you have hurricane insurance, take pictures of everything that you have on the boat, including all furniture, gear, and equipment.

· Make sure the boat's fuel and water tanks are full and that any batteries are charged.

· Keep all of your insurance and boat registration documents in a safe location where they won't be damaged.

· Make sure everything on the boat is tied down or securely stored away.

And if your boat is too large to be trailered and taken away from the dock, here are some steps you can take dockside to make sure your boat is safe:

· Double up all ropes and lines attaching the boat to the dock.

· Make sure all the lines are tied high up on the pilings. This will protect the connection from storm surges.

· If there are strong trees or other nearby fixtures that are very secure, consider using extra lines to tie the boat to these.

· Cooperate with others on the dock for additional solutions that benefit everyone.

· If the hurricane is bearing down and your boat is secure, be a good neighbor and help others on the dock.

Trailered boats

Of course, if your boat is easy to trailer, the best idea is to take it out of the water and secure it safely in a warehouse or garage. However, if you must store it outside, here are some tips to keep in mind:

· Keep the boat somewhere where it will be protected from flying debris and falling branches.

· Deflate the trailer tires and add as much secure weight to the boat as you can.

· Secure the boat to nearby fixtures, especially secure buildings and large trees. If possible, lash the boat on all four corners.

And those are just a few ways to protect your pontoon boat and other sea faring vessels.


Cricket Rules & Regulations

Cricket was brought by the British.The beginning of cricket are very indistinguishable, and many theories have been put onward suggesting its beginning. Cricket was first start by England. in the 16th century. At the end of the 18th century, it is the national sport of England. To play this game there are some rules and regulations have been developed to it. This game managed by the umpire which the main module of this game. Cricket rules are applied on 2 individual teams to play perfect. Every player follows these rules. Cricket is the most popular game, and played in a big ground, having a oval-shaped field. There are some tools are used to play this sports game that is:- bat, ball, and gloves, pitch, wickets, Bowling, popping, and return creases, Covering the pitch. To play a match there are two teams, each team consisting of a maximum of 11 players to play in ground, compete in one or two innings depending on the time and agreement of the team. An inning will be distinct as both batting and fielding for each playing team. One team goes to the batting side and the other team goes to fielding sides. Two batsmen take the field at one time, one man at each wicket, which are 23 yards apart During an inning, there is 6 balls in 1 over & 6 balls will be bowled to one wicket, and then the fielding team will bowl six balls to the batsman who playing to save his own wicket and increase the score board. Batsmen are members of the cricket team responsible for scoring a run during a game. The fielding team may change bowlers at the end of overs according to the need. There is the main member in the cricket is umpire, whose tasked to maintain the game, are the ones to declare if there is an out or a runout. Another function of the umpire is that he can decide when the game will start and when match will stop A batting team may freely end their batting inning at the end of any over. Either team may request that a game can be stop due to light or weather or other special circumstances. The request will be measured by the umpire or decided by Rock-Scissors-Paper Democracy. The team with the most runs at the end wins. An umpire makes the decisions during the course of the game. If an umpire is not available, decisions once again will be made by using Rock-Scissors-Paper democracy.

Scoring and winning

Scoring runs :- For batting team runs are scored by batsman when the two batsmen plays in play ground ,run to each other's end of the pitch. Batsman can make several runs one ball

Boundaries :- Boundary is the line where the ball once touched then batting team will get four runs. if bowler make a wide ball & wicket keeper is not able to caught the ball & ball touched the line then the batting team will get 5 runs extra and that ball not count in over.

The over :- An over keeps 6 balls to bowled without wide balls & no balls. But if a bowler make these then batting team will get 1 extra runs to increase score board.

Dead ball.:- A ball becomes dead ball when all the action from that ball is over. Once the ball is dead, no runs can be scored and no batsmen can be dismissed.

More Running, More Happiness

In this chapter, I mean to talk on the psychological changes caused by running. After runners' jogging, I require to think about their mood on the base of their reports. Second, we will observe how the psychological phenomenon affects the life.
While people talked with me, most of them told me that their psychology benefits a lot from running. I am not shocked at it, because I am the person who gets benefits. It is easy to illustrate some benefits to people. We will feel our brain power intensified and spirits concentrated. Your mind will get training. Through jogging, you cultivated your absorption and resolution from a set of barriers. After experiencing the long-distance race, you will discover that strong will power was produced in the process. It can strengthen the teamwork spirit. This point surprises us a lot. Since running is the solo-activity, we can not gain teamwork from running. However, jogging involves mutual cooperation as a matter of fact. It demands terrific awareness of teamwork for travel jogging, especially in the poor situation. You may not observe these advantages every day or after once running, but they actually exist. Our daily words are not used to describe these phenomena, so other profits also can not be described. It is important for running to have persistence, explosive strength and ability of suffering pains. These all have a slim power to influence on the life.
Once people talk with me, they use magnificent words and even poetic words to describe these phenomena. Therefore, smartness is not the reason that they have advantage in clarifying their thoughts. As long as the topic turns to the running spirit, they manifest their outstanding eloquence. Running can relieve ourselves and alleviate pressure. Running turns our attention to the landscape, so it is easy to banish our depression. If you are in the trouble, then running is suitable for you. Running can cultivate the persistent, increase the patience, improve the sensitivity and accumulate the ability to adapt the environment. People who do sports for a long time have three advantages in the work. They are fast speed, high potential and recovery. Besides jogging, can you think the better plan to sort out your mind and slow down the nervous.
Take Nancy for example, she was a little editor of one weekly magazine when I talked with her. Later she left that company and went to another company. In this way, she could run several times per week and many miles in total. She said that she felt the controlling of life through running. It is good feeling to do thing depending on her not others. She said, I love running, because there are obvious beginning and ending. I might set a goal and achieve this goal. I love difficulties of running. Because you use your effort to run and you will feel wonderful after that. Running contributes to a happy feeling.
A young person has suffered asthma several years. Asthma is terrible, he said. So he determined to run. Even though he does not like to say running heal his asthma, he endured it better after joining in running. He said running is the most marvelous thing in his life.


Learning How to Play Golf

Golf is a wonderful sport for the whole family; you can all learn and progress together whilst enjoying the health benefits of an outdoor activity. Even as a beginner you can have fun; it’s really easy to play golf and is a very sociable game because everyone can participate at their own skill level. This great How to Golf guide will get you started with learning how to golf.

Being able to play a round of golf offers wonderful opportunities for a family to spend time together over a weekend, or enjoy a vacation at a golf resort. Most golf resorts have other facilities available to visitors, such as restaurants, a swimming pool, gym, spa, and child minding services. A golf resort is an excellent weekend or holiday destination in a beautiful setting, with activities and relaxation opportunities for the whole family.

Enjoying the Benefits of Golf

The golf course has evolved into an unofficial business meeting place. Great contacts are made on the course as a huge cross-section of businessmen and women play golf. Letting a prospective or current client win a game could land you your next big deal! You can sell an idea or product in this unofficial setting when clients are not on their guard, and more relaxed than they would be at a formal meeting in an office. Golf is played and enjoyed by millions of people all over the world and learning to play the game offers wonderful opportunities, both socially and business-wise.

Taking lessons from a professional is a great way to learn how to golf. However this is a very costly option. Professional golfers generally charge a few hundred dollars per hour which makes this out of the question for many people. Learning how to hit that little ball is within your grasp with the help of a golf guide, such as "How to Golf - A Beginner’s Guide to Golfing." Golf guides such as this can help golfers of all skill levels to improve their game and techniques.

How to Golf – Some Basic Rules

Golf, as with any other sport, has rules. The basic rule of golf is to sink a small ball into a small hole a few hundred yards away, using a club (which is a long stick with a large head at the end). Each hole has a par which is the pre-determined number of strokes needed in order to get the ball into the hole. The fewer the strokes the better, it you hit the ball less times than the mean you are under par, which is excellent. In golf having a negative score is better than a positive one!

Another quick tip: Always keep your eyes on the ball! This is a problem for many golfers, especially beginners. Do not look up as you hit the ball; keep your head down with your eyes on the ball. Following through with your swing is equally important, rotate your hips as you swing and your contact with the ball will be much surer, you’ll be surprised at how much further your ball travels!

You may have problems with the ball heading straight for the edge of the green instead of the hole. This problem can be easily resolved; practice your stance before you take a swing, a strong stance with a smooth movement through your swing helps keep the ball on the course and out of the rough. Check out more info and tips in your How to Golf guides!

You can improve your golf game by downloading an iPhone or iPad how to golf app. You can use the app to compare your golf score in a particular game against your target score, use the scorecard function and it will graph your progress as you improve your game.It won’t be long before you feel like a pro with your new iPhone app!

The Fundamentals of Golf Putting

Golf Putting and Body Mechanics

Developing good body mechanics is an essential part of your golf technique. Good golf body mechanics emphasises proper body movements and posture when swinging your golf club. It reduces muscle and joint stress whilst simultaneously enhancing your physical capabilities. The golf putting body mechanics are fundamentally different from those of a full golf swing. When learning how to golf, emphasis is usually placed on driving the golf ball as far down the fairway as possible even though being able to putt accurately is equally important.

The primary goal of focusing on your golf putting body mechanics is to acquire a natural body posture that allows you to strike the golf ball so that it rolls end over end. The best way of doing this is to stand astride the golf ball with your eyes directly over the ball when making your putt. By doing this you will ensure that you maintain the correct perspective of both the ball and target line.

It is an extremely important part of body mechanics that you maintain the correct posture when golf putting. Setting up and making your putts must be done in the same way every time, this cannot be stressed enough! Consistency is the key when learning how to golf.

Golf Putting – Keep Your Head Still

Whenever the body mechanics of golf putting is discussed it will inevitably lead to an analysis of head movement. Your head must never move until you have completed your stroke and followed through. Failing to maintain your head in a stable position will result in your shoulders going out of alignment. The face of your putter will not be square with the target line if your shoulders are misaligned, resulting in your golf ball straying from its course. If you struggle to keep your head still during your stroke, try to focus your attention on the grass underneath the golf ball, this will help reduce your natural instinct to follow your ball after the stroke.

Your unique golf putting style

Spending time practicing your putting when you are learning how to golf allows you to develop your own unique golf putting stroke. Explore all of your options and find out what works for you before deciding upon which style to adopt; you must be completely comfortable with your choices and then do it with flair! Don’t select a grip technique just because it was recommended in a book, the best choice for you is a style that works for you!

On a final note, when practicing your golf putting strokes it should always be conducted on a completely level green. If the surface undulates or slopes in any direction it will be extremely difficult to find the cause of the ball travelling in a wayward manner.

For a comprehensive guide on how to golf; download an iPhone or iPad app today - for everything you need to know about golf. Learn all the secrets from golf professionals on how to sink that perfect putt!

Running in a Winter Wonderland - With the Best Winter Running Socks

It seems silly to write about running in the winter when it’s almost 60, yes 60, degrees in Michigan today. Michiganders know weather is a tricky son of a gun and you really never know what to expect. It could be 60 one day and the next, we’ll have snow. It’s never too early to start getting your winter running wardrobe ready to go.

Winter running can be brutal. Some people may find solace on a treadmill in some gym, but for others, they brave the conditions and run outside no matter what.

Running in the winter can be tricky — especially when people don’t shovel their driveways. Sometimes you’re trudging through several inches of snow and each step you take into the snow makes your feet colder and colder.

So besides higher cuts and more cushioning, what should one look for in a winter sock? Well, let’s discuss!

First, let’s take a look at Drymax Cold Weather Running Sock. As you can probably assume by the name, this is a sock specially made for the cold temperatures. Drymax prides itself on being the number one sock to keep feet dry and this is especially important come winter. Wet socks are a big enemy to your feet. Moisture can pull heat away from your skin 23 times faster than air. Moisture can reduce skin temperature so rapidly that wet feet feel painfully cold and are susceptible to frostbite. With Drymax, you’ll have a dual layer moisture removal system to instantly remove the moisture from your skin. Drymax fibers have the lowest thermal conductivity of fibers used to manufacture socks. These fibers can keep feet warmer more than other fibers because they conduct less heat away from the skin.

Drymax Cold Weather Running Socks are knit with Hollow Core polyester fibers on the outside to increase overall insulation. Due to the wind chill factor, the front part of your leg tends to get the coldest, so this sock has a third layer of Drymax fiber insulation. This sock presents one of the best options for winter running due to comfort and moisture-wicking capabilities. You won’t be complaining about cold feet after your run with these socks.

SmartWool is another option to consider when the snowflakes start falling. Well-known for their skiing socks, SmartWool also offers some great socks for running. Made with Merino wool, SmartWool PhD Running Socks regulate temperature and moisture. They will help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. However, since their "light" models are still pretty bulky, most people do just stick to them as a winter sock. With its moisture-wicking capabilities your feet will also stay dry, meaning they stay warm too.

Along with temperature and moisture control, Merino wool also brings odor control into the mix. When the run is done and you’re transitioning from running shoes to slippers, you won’t get a whiff of something smelly.

Another winter option is to wear some kind of liner and then another pair of socks over that. Maybe grab a pair of toesock liners and then you could probably wear any other kind of running sock over it and you’ll get the warmth and performance factors you need.

Remember, just because a sock is thick, doesn’t mean it’s a good option for winter time running. Stay away from cotton at all costs and make sure you have something that will wick moisture away. In fact, you can probably get away with a lightweight sock as long as it removes moisture effectively.


The Pros And Cons Of Buying Your Vacation Online

For many people, traveling is one of life's greatest joys. While traveling to a new destination is fun for almost everybody, the headache and stress of making travel plans are felt by many people. This article contains a number of tips on how you can make travel plans easier and faster.

Planning to keep children happy and occupied while traveling will prevent a lot of headaches for everyone. Set aside special back-packs for any child accompanying you on your venture and fill it with goodies that will hold their attention, amuse them, and even feed them, if necessary. Small things that help pass time like books and notepads or travel games should suffice and will go a long way in easing hassles and boredom.

When planning a trip, select your digital camera with the needs of your trip in mind. If you are planning on backpacking, for example, a rechargeable battery may not be the answer. In almost all cases, you will want a digital camera that can be turned on and focused very quickly, so that you don't miss the shot.

If you want to save money on travel, be flexible when you are booking your airfare. Many times, lower prices can be found if you are not committed to a specific departure and arrival date. In addition, sometimes prices are cheaper if you fly into a nearby city instead of the major one in the area.

If you're going on a road trip with kids, try bringing some cookie sheets along with you. They're great to use as lap trays for eating in the car. The having the edges curved up with prevent any spills too and they're easy to clean off quickly. You can also flip them over and the kids can use them as desks for coloring, writing, or playing a game.

Before leaving on an overseas vacation, ensure that there are at least six months from your planned date of travel and when your passport expires. Many airlines will refuse to allow you to board unless you meet this minimum requirement. In other cases, you will not be able to enter your destination country. In any case, it is easier to 'be safe than sorry.'

When setting a reservation for a hotel stay, be sure to ask about dates for possible renovations. Nothing is more annoying than to be woken early in the morning by construction equipment, especially when you are on vacation. Since there's nothing the hotel staff can do about the noise, it's better to just avoid those dates entirely.

When traveling and sleeping in hotels, considering bringing along a small portable fan. This will allow you to create white noise, should you have a noisy neighbor. It can also help circulate the air in a stuffy room without needing to chill the room to uncomfortable levels using the air conditioner.

If you are staying at a hotel while traveling, be sure to figure out where all of the emergency exits are located. You never know when there might be a fire drill or even a fire. Your map reading skills aren't going to be at their best when you are woken by the alarm at 4 AM, so it's better to know in advance.

A travel budget can be worked out so that you can save for a vacation each year. You will simply take a specified amount out of your pay each paycheck and place it into an account designated for travel. This money will allow you to pay for travel related expenses each year, including your stay, gas or airfare, and spending money.

Pay special attention to the holidays of the countries you are traveling to. Different countries celebrate different holidays, and if you do not know when these are, you can give yourself a headache. Many restaurants and businesses will close on holidays, so look them up before you travel to save yourself the trouble.

If you have a guidebook to help you in your travels you can tear out the sections you will be using and staple the pages together. This will lighten the load you are carrying. When you are leaving a place you can leave the used sections behind for other travelers to use.

As was discussed at the beginning of this article, many people enjoy to travel. However, fewer people enjoy the actual process of making travel plans, since planning a trip can often be stressful for those involved. Use the tips provided in this article to make planning your trip a much easier experience.

Tricks That The Pros Use When They Travel

One of the greatest recreation activities is travel. The ability to explore the world and see new sights has become a passion for countless people throughout the world. This article is meant to provide you with travel tips and advice to help you chose the right destination and make the most of your experience.

Always know where your luggage is. Airline and bus employees have been known to steal items out of cases when they are checked in. Additionally, other travelers might "accidentally" pick up your bag in hopes of finding expensive items. This also allows you to move between transit options faster, instead of standing around waiting for your luggage.

If you are traveling into a malaria-prone area, in addition to anti-malaria pills, bring a mosquito net or find a room with a large ventilation fan. The net is best as it can almost completely stop mosquitoes from getting to you at night. The fan works because mosquitoes cannot fly as well into the wind, but it is not fool-proof.

Check out user reviews. The experiences of others who have traveled to the same location can be much more helpful than the biased sales information from the destination itself. Also, check out guest-contributed photos, which will be more real and less doctored than the professional photos. Be sure to look for recent reviews, and find ones written by people having similar vacation needs to your own.

Pack your bags several days ahead of leaving for your trip. By doing this you can continue to think about things you want to take with you for an extended amount of time, keeping yourself from feeling so rushed and having to worry about forgetting something important or necessary.

Bring a bag-of-fun for your kids. Make sure to have enough supplies to keep your kids entertained for the duration of the flight. There's nothing worse than an, "Are we there yet," ten minutes into a three-hour flight. Card games, special coloring books, and puzzles work well and, if you can afford one, pick up a portable video player. The hours of entertainment value are well worth the cost.

Before you leave on a vacation, get as much sleep as possible. Being well-rested will give you the energy you need to enjoy your vacation, as well as helping prevent jet lag. You aren't going to want to sleep in and waste your vacation time once you leave, and you may have trouble sleeping in a new place, so it's better to be prepared.

If you are traveling to an area where the tap water tastes strange to you, try using the hotel ice machines to get your water. The ice machines make use of water filters, so the quality is better but you don't have to cover the expense of bottled water. This can be used for your coffee maker in the room as well as other drinks.

When traveling, many times you will need a rental car. When you arrive to pick up your car, the agent will help you complete the rental process. You will be presented with a car rental agreement, be sure to read it thoroughly before signing it. Assure you know exactly what your liability is and exactly what you are paying for by renting the car. You should look over the car and if you see any defects make sure it is noted on the agreement.

When you arrive at your hotel, especially if you have children, check for fire exit routes. Take a couple of minutes with your children to walk the route with them as a mock fire drill and help them prepare in the case of an emergency. They will be understanding of this since they do this in school on a regular basis.

Always be prepared to clean up spills and messes as you travel. Carry some general items such as plastic bags, travel wipes and even travel size cleaners. Trying to locate these types of things on the spot can be difficult and add needless momentary stress. Unpack these to a specific location in your hotel so everyone knows where to turn.

It is important to be aware of all the ways to make travelling easier. Travelling can enrich your life--do not miss out just because you do not know exactly how to organize it. Use the advice in this article to take the stress out of travelling and maximize your vacation time.

Winter Cycling Training Camps

Recent British successes in competitive cycling, including eight gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics and two successive winners of the Tour de France, have pushed cycling to the forefront of British sport. This has raised awareness and interest to unknown heights and spawned a multitude of cycling clubs across the length and breadth of the British Isles.

With some 1500 registered clubs and an active membership of between 15,000 and 20,000 there is an unprecedented level of road cycling training taking place on a daily basis. However, British cyclists face three major drawbacks that limit their competitiveness.

Firstly, road conditions for cyclists are not ideal. A crowded and congested road system means dangerous conditions for clubs and teams who need to train regularly, in addition most UK roads do not have any sort of a hard shoulder thus further exposing cyclists to accidents caused by impatient and inconsiderate drivers. Another limiting factor is road surface quality, budget restrictions and winter freeze thaw take their toll on the tarmac with potholes, loose gravel and uneven surfacing common hazards faced by all cyclists, but for those on competitive training programmes it poses a particularly high risk of injury.

Secondly, the climate represents a major limiting factor. Apart from the risks caused by poor visibility in wet or foggy conditions, low ambient temperatures during the autumn, winter and spring increase the risk of injuries to cold muscles, ligaments and joints and thus the chance of losing valuable pre-racing season training. Another limiting factor is the short daylength from October through to March which restricts many cyclists with fulltime jobs to weekend training.

Thirdly, the lowland nature of much of the British Isles means the almost complete absence of any decent challenging category climbs. Success in headline competitive road races like the Tour de France or the Vuelta de España requires hard training for the demanding climbs these sorts of races include, the success of Chris Froome and Team Sky in the 2013 Tour de France is in large part due to their training programme: by practising sprints once they had completed a long climb their muscles were pre-programmed to make the extra effort when everybody else's legs were tiring.

So what can teams and clubs do to compensate for the inherent disadvantages of training in the UK? The solution taken by the Pro-teams is to install themselves somewhere in southern Europe where road conditions, climate and geography allow them to prepare adequately for the racing season.

One of the favourite destinations on the Continent is Spain. Its varied geography, Mediterranean climate and new road system means there are cycling training camps all over country from Catalonia and the Basque Country in the north down to Andalusia in the south. However, the north tends to be wetter and colder while the south tends to be much hotter during the training months, so top of the list are the Balearic Islands and the Costa Blanca in the Valencian Region as they combine all of the necessary conditions for Pro-teams to prepare for the coming racing season.

Both areas are relatively close to each other and therefore benefit from similar climates, however the Balearics have two principal disadvantages. Firstly being surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea the climate tends to be wetter during the winter and spring so increasing the chance of training being rained off. Secondly, meals and accommodation are more expensive due to the extra transportation costs. This may not be so important for Pro-teams with sponsors but for cycling clubs on limited budgets it is. So for clubs the ideal choice is the area inland from the Costa Blanca, known as Las Marinas, which combines the factors of cost, climate, geography and road conditions they require.

Traditionally teams have stayed in the larger coastal conurbations like San Juan, Javea, Calpe and Denia where they typically lodge in four star hotels with all of the trimmings, but which lack in character and require transits of the busier coast roads before being able to get up into the mountains and valleys away from the traffic. However, improvements in the transport system means cycling clubs can locate in the heart of the Las Marinas region in towns and villages like Tarbena and Callosa d'en Sarriá, with resulting cost savings and direct access to the quieter inland roads.

So apart from the training conditions what sort of support services can cycling teams and clubs expect from their training camp?. Long gone are the days when you had to worry about whether tap water was safe to drink, with some 60 million visitors annually modern Spain offers quality services at competitive rates.

Comfortable accommodation and excellent catering standards are par for the course, but cyclists can also expect alu-carbon bicycle hire, energy gels, physiotherapists, safe lock-up facilities and airport transfers for both riders and their bicycles all included in their training camp package. Plus, once the day's training is done there are plenty of bars for an enjoyable social evening out. Some camps are large enough to accommodate friends and family too so combining a holiday in the sunshine with the training.

Whichever venue is chosen as a base to train from, the Costa Blanca combines all of the features necessary to get the most out of the training programme, maximise competitiveness for the next racing season and enjoy a few days of fun and sunshine.

One of the issues facing British teams and clubs is where to find winter and spring cycling training camps to prepare adequately for the coming season. The author runs the Costa Blanca Cycling Camp in Spain and considers the pros and cons of the most popular destinations for winter cycling training camps.


Outdoor Survival Gear for Camping Trips

Camping is a fun activity that many people enjoy, yet this is an activity that a person needs to plan for. Along with knowing the area that a person is camping in, an individual also needs to have outdoor survival gear to make this venture safe and to ensure if there are any obstacle or surprises during this adventure that these can be death with accordingly. When most people think of camping they think of bonfires, tents and sleeping bags. However, there is a slue of other survival gear items a person should be packing with them at all times.

Within the survival kits a person packs for camping, there should be a number of items. These items include:

- Flashlight

- Extra batteries


- Compass

- Maps of the area

- A cell phone or satellite phone for those who are camping in more rugged territories

- First aid kid that includes bandages, antiseptic, rubbing alcohol, and vitamins

- MRE's are great to have as these are meals on the go that will provide enough calories to help a person in any situation

- Lighters and matches

- Fuel for a fire

- A weather radio

- Water filters in the even that bottled water runs out

- Fishing pole with bait

This list is just a starter for many people who are preparing their survival kits, yet they are going to be the basics for those who are camping. Though this may be viewed by some as being a bit too much to take on a camping trip, there are several things that could go wrong when camping. For one, weather can take a turn for the worse, leading the person to be outdoors longer than they thought. Secondly, if a person were to become injured while camping, they need to ensure they have the know how to stay alive until help can arrive.

Survival gear for camping is not something in which a person wants to ignore. There are miraculous stories of people who survive days in the wilderness and these people often thank their planning and packing strategies. One of the keys to making all this outdoor survival gear easier for the person is to have a sturdy backpack that is going to hold all of these items.

For first time campers it is great for the person to pack their bag before their camping trip to ensure there is nothing lost or forgotten. Leaving items in the bag at all times that are not going to hurt through being stored is a great way to ensure a person is prepared. Without being prepared, a person cannot expect their camping trip to be completely safe. Though most camping trips are meant to be fun, and often surpass the expectations of campers, there are those times in which camping trips can go wrong. It is best to be prepared for any type of situation while camping as this can ensure no one is hurt or starving while awaiting assistance.

Packing Survival Kits

There are hundreds of thousands of people who spend their free time planning survival kits that are meant to be their way of life should something happen. For many people, this planning is due to the unease they feel with the current economy or the fear of what could happen. Whatever the reason, everyone should have some sort of survival gear in place in order to ensure they and their family is prepared for every situation. Typical gear most people think of is bottled water, flashlights, batteries and nonperishable food items. However, there is a whole word to outdoor survival gear that can help to ensure the person is prepared for any and all situations they come across.

Surviving without electricity, running water, and the common luxuries that most people take for granted requires a bit more than a few bottles of water and a flashlight. Those who are eager to have survival kits that are going to aid in their survival, they will find the gear also needs to include items that can be used in multiple ways. For example, having the items to start a fire is not only going to provide warmth and a way to cook food, but can also serve as a way to let others know of the location a person is located. With this in mind, other multiple use items will include plastic baggies that will allow for the storage of items, but can also be instrumental in purifying the water a person is drinking.

Other items the person needs to include are those that are going to help with shelter if the previous shelter is no longer available. In the best case scenario, the person who has a tent is going to be in the best shape. However, if the tent were to be blown to pieces by the weather, it is necessary for the person have a way to stay warm and dry. These types of items are going to include rain coats, tarps, gloves, hats, and the like. With the tarps and other items a person can build their own fort to be safe, while the extra clothing is going to allow a person to have safety from the elements.

Food is also a main priority of any person wishing to have the survival gear needed to be safe and survive. Packing foods that are sealed and full of healthy proteins and carbs, a person can ensure they are well fed. But, there are also ways the person can ensure they do not have to rely on these types of food. This way includes packing items that will aid in hunting of foraging. These items can be a small caliper weapon, knife, fishing pole, and a fishing net.

With outdoor survival gear, a person has the ability to ensure they survive no matter any obstacle that may be in their way. Those who pack with this in mind, will find they are able to have peace of mind knowing they are prepared for anything, and their life will greatly benefit to being prepared.

Survival Gear for Natural Disasters

Everyday there are reasons that a person would need to have survival gear ready to go at a moments notice. Yet, there are many people who do not understand what they should have prepared, nor do they see the reason as to why they should have this type of gear. In all reality, natural disasters can happen anywhere, and when these happen a person is on their own. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and the like are all elements that a person can be put through. When these events happen, there is no luxuries that people have and neglect to be thankful for. For example, no electricity, no running water and no shelter. The idea of having survival kits is good for every person out there, and they can offer a platform of safety should the unthinkable happen.

One of the key components a person will need to have is outdoor survival gear. This type of gear is aimed at helping the person to survive in the wilderness. When having to survive in the outdoors, a fire is something that is a necessity. Not only is this something that provides warmth, it can also be a way to keep wild animals away, alert others of where your location is at, and basically become one of the best ways to meet natural needs. The same type of philosophy applies to having bottled water, flashlights with an extra supply of batteries, a pocket knife, and a supply of nonperishable food items. Other items that may come in handy is a back up cell phone, in the event phone lines are still operational, signal flares, extra clothing, bedding items, compass, maps of the local area, and a first aid kit. These are items that can be the difference between living or dying in extreme situations.

With this being said, survival kits should be easily available for a home to find in the even they are needed. In fact, it is advised that a person keep several of these kits on hand and have them located throughout the home in the event they need to make a quick exit. It is also advisable to have survival gear for every member of the family. This is going to make supplies last longer and allows everyone to live more comfortably. Each member of a household should know where the supplies are located at all times so they can ensure to grab these if they are needed.

Though most people may think of outdoor survival gear as something that is needed for those who spend their time in nature, this is gear that will become invaluable if there is a natural disaster in the area. Those who have experienced these types of disasters understand the chaos that results from these disasters, and it is a situation in which no one wants to be involved in. Yet, those who are better prepared to handle these situations are going to be those who come out of the disaster with strength and determination.


Photography - Nikon Underwater Cameras - Capturing The Underwater World

Technology has indeed taken a leap - with its advancement it opens a gateway for us to see the world beneath the waves, to capture the details which seemed to be impossible. Nikon - one of the world’s leading brands in innovation - has been established since the year 1917. With its dependability and consistency in the world of cameras it has been a market leader for years.

It is really the functionality of Nikon that has made them so desirable.

Camera controls are intuitive to operate, starting with the upper toggle switch on the rear of the camera, switching between wide angle and telephoto views. The image that you are focussing on is displayed on a small screen on the rear of the camera – there is no eye piece as such, unlike the conventional cameras the you may have seen.

A little pressure on the focus/execute button makes the camera focus and calculate exposure - a full press will cause the camera to take a picture. Most users will use this fully automatic mode.

The screen found at the back of your camera will allow you to review images taken. It makes it possible to review the shots that you have taken, and you can delete the images you do not want to keep. Use the lower toggle switch to step through the shots you have taken.

To quote the words of one professional underwater photographer, "the Nikon D70 allows access to all of the most frequently used buttons and functions. Absent is the Depth-of-Field preview button, which I feel is rather useful but some may not even know exists!"

Indeed, using the additional settings of AF-C (Continuous Auto-Focus) and Dynamic-AF area, one can shoot macro, wide-angle and even portraits by simply and quickly changing the lens. You'll see the benefit of this sharp and precise auto focus system when it comes to chasing and capturing very fast subjects.

Nikon underwater cameras are designed both for professionals and first time users.

Little League Baseball Bats - Little League Baseball Bats - Make Your Kid Swing Like A Pro

Different leagues have different standards for baseball bats. Professional, adult leagues (the ones that hope to make it to the World Series) require classic, wooden baseball bats. But Amateur leagues allow for lighter, more powerful metal bats. When it comes down to equipping your child with the best bat they can possibly get, it takes more than just buying him any ordinary bat.

Furthermore, in high school leagues, baseball bats must be more than 67 millimeters in diameter, so it's only suiting that the requirements for Little League baseball bats are just as stringent! This is no surprise considering the difference in size between adolescents, adults and children. The following requirements are typical and good to know if your son or daughter is thinking about joining a league and baseball bat shopping might be on the horizon.

Little League baseball bats cannot be more than 33 inches long or have a barrel diameter of more than 2 ¼ inches. Also, they must be taped around the handle. To understand how much a bat weighs, look at the negative number that it is associated with. If a baseball bat is 30 inches long and its number rating is -10, that means the bat weighs 20 ounces. Lighter Little League baseball bats are more powerful than heavier ones (and also will hurt a child a lot less if it accidentally hits them in the head, which is a good thing since there is no crying in baseball!), but they are also more expensive. The surefire way to zero in on the perfect little League Baseball bat for your child is to make some test swings before uou head to the counter.

Youth Baseball Bats - Youth Baseball Bats - A Quick Primer

It seems that for such a simple, single-purpose object like a baseball bat, it would be easy to buy one for your athletic son or daughter. But the truth is, there are all kinds of baseball bats. Fear not, the following basics will guide you in the right direction to getting the sure-shot baseball bat your son or daughter desire.

In official leagues, youth baseball bats are sometimes traditional and wooden but more often than not, they are aluminum. Aluminum bats weren't truly introduced until the 1970's and these youth baseball bats are smaller, lighter, but a lot more powerful, than their wooden counterparts. So when shopping for your child's baseball bat, first investigate what kind of bat is required for their league and then determine what length and width is preferable. From then on, it's mostly about body composition and the way the bat interacts with the body during swinging motion.

Longer bats have a better chance of hitting that ball, but the lighter the bat, the more powerful a batter's swing and the faster and farther the ball will go! Also, a thick barrel on a baseball bat can mean a more powerful hit, but at the same time it will also weigh down the bat. It all comes down to your preferred batting style.

For the best prices out there, compare youth baseball bats on the web with those of your local sports equipment stores - you can usually save a lot of money online. Also, since you are not allowed to swing a baseball bat around at a store, sometimes practicing with different bats at a batting range is a good way to pick out the prefect baseball bat.


Mixed Martial Arts - Mixed Martial Arts And What You Should Know About It

Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, combines many different fighting techniques, including grappling and striking, and high performance standards, particularly in the often intense, and very popular MMA tournaments. The first tournaments came about as a result of the 1993 Ultimate Fighting Championship, which matched different fighting styles in a competition where the rules were minimal and the goal was to find the best fighters in the world. The success of this mixed martial arts combat style led to the development and implementation of rules designed to keep athletes safe and deflect early criticism of the sport while still holding on to the original concept of the UFC as much as possible. The modern MMA tournaments have their roots in the Vale tudo martial arts tournaments held in Brazil by the Gracie family beginning in the 1920s, and the preliminary martial arts tournaments hosted in Japan by Antonio Inoki in the early 1970s.

There are several different competition techniques, including striking techniques, like kicks, punches, and knees, and grappling techniques, like pinning holds, submission holds, clinch holds, takedowns, throws and sweeps. The permissibility and legality of certain other techniques like head butts, spinal locks, and elbows vary according to the specific organization and sponsored competition. Although many critics have attempted to portray the MMA fighting style as violent and brutal, there has never been a death or crippling injury in any sanctioned MMA event in North America. The U.S. state athletic and boxing committee regulates the MMA, requiring participants and sponsors to adhere to a set of officially sanctioned rules and regulations, which include rules for knockout, submission, technical knockout, the ten point system, disqualification, and no contest. Common fouls include clawing, twisting and pinching flesh, small joint manipulation, attacking an opponent from or on the break in the care of an official, attacking the groin or trachea, fish-hooking, biting, and hair pulling, spitting, use of abusive language, and other similar acts.

The MMA continues to grow in popularity and reputation, as athletes associated with the sport have also gained reputation and renown, as well as successful careers and endorsement deals. With mainstream acceptance, worldwide acclaim, and an every growing fan base, what started as an abstract concept has become an established sport and a successful platform from which many athletic careers have been launched. The future of the MMA appears to be bright, and the popularity of the sport even more so.

Scuba Diving - Scuba Diving In South East Asia

This article describes some of the better dive sites in South East Asia. As a scuba diver, you will probably know that scuba diving in South East Asia has always been very popular because of its vast species of marine life and rich diversity of colorful corals.

As a matter of fact, there are many world class dive sites in this region and with its excellent underwater visibility, South East Asia is indeed a scuba diver's haven. So, here are some of the top dive sites in South East Asia many of which I have dived in several times.

We shall start with Indonesia and of course, the island of Bali cannot be left out. Perhaps the most dived site in Bali is the Liberty wreck. The wreck was a US army logistic ship sunk by Japanese submarine torpedoes during the last world war.

Liberty wreck lies in the depth of about 10m (32ft) to 30m (100ft) over 120m (385ft) of the sea bed. Divers can see guns, toilets, ship anchor chain among other things of a typical shipwreck. The wreck is heavily encrusted with corals and brightly decorated with gorgonian sea fans and sea anemones.

Scuba divers will also encounter large schools of trevally and more than 400 species of marine fishes and even exotic colonies of elusive garden eels.

Similan island in Thailand is another interesting dive site. Similan is located off the coast of Khao Lak which was hit badly by a Tsunami 2006. Nine granite islands made up the Similan islands. These islands are covered by luxuriant tropical rainforests surrounded by pristine white beaches and turquoise blue water.

This area is a protected national park. Below the water lie a sprawling underwater garden of deep canyons, coral gardens, huge granite boulders, caves and walls. Liveaboard scuba diving is the norm here.

Sipadan Island in Malaysia was made famous by Jacques Cousteau's documentary entitled Ghost Of The Sea Turtles. This is an oceanic island which is not connected to any continental shelf that rises about 2000 ft on an awesome limestone pinnacle and mushrooms out at the surface.

Many dive magazines have named Sipadan as one of the best dive sites in the world and reported to have the largest variety of soft corals in the world. At Sipadan, scuba divers will encounter exciting drift dives, fascinating coral formations, turtles, lobsters, barracudas and even various species of sharks.

Manado, northen Sulawesi, Indonesia is the gateway to world class dive spots in the Bunaken National Park. Muck diving, meaning diving for little critters on the seabed in Manado bay is the norm here. In this part of Indonesia, you will encounter exhilarating wall dives, drop offs, huge napoleon wrasse, reef sharks and also another shipwreck.

Layang Layang in Malaysia is a breathtaking atoll. It is part of a shoal group in the South China Sea known as the Spratly islands. Here, massive numbers of barracuda roams the water, large pelagic fishes and sharks make this place home. Do not be surprised if you are investigated by a school of hammerhead sharks.

Golf School - The Advantages Of Attending Golf Schools

Golf schools are becoming more popular for many reasons, the first being that they offer participants a distinct advantage over people who are determined to teach themselves. People who begin learning the wrong way have great difficulty correcting these bad habits later, but beginners who enroll in golf schools have the opportunity to experience proper guidance, direction, and training from the very beginning. Students are also provided with important golfing principles and insights into the sport and the right kind of expert guidance, direction, and training necessary to take their game to the next level.

Learning how to correctly swing, make shots, follow the proper rules and etiquette, and discovering individual specialization means that you will be able to avoid the most common stumbling block of beginning golfers, repeating the same mistakes multiple times. A Qualified instructor can help students to identify and correct mistakes and discover which areas of the game they need to work on the most and which ones they have already mastered or are currently excelling in. Since they are already well aware of the see strengths and weaknesses, it will be easy for them to track their progress and ask for valuable feedback from their instructors.

Golf schools organize programs and classes that have clear, structured objective sets designed to offer both motivation and direction, allowing learning to occur in a more natural, low pressure setting. The top golf schools know that players have high standards when it comes to their golf instruction, which is why these schools offer the most up to date facilities, equipment, and teaching methods to their students in order to provide them with the best possible advantage. Instructors and trainers work to identify areas of improvement for each individual student, and encourage them to strive toward improved performance and greater enjoyment and appreciation of the game and the skills required to really excel.

Golf schools require a large commitment in the form of both study and practice, which is why anyone who has never had a formal lesson should consider enrolling in a short course to prepare themselves for the intense practice and learning they will experience during their time at a golf school. Beginners, especially, should consider lessons and golf schools as essential steps in their goal of becoming more skilled, but the fact is that everyone can benefit from lessons and coaching, which is why golf schools really are advantageous for all truly serious and committed players, regardless of skill level.

Urijah Faber - Urijah Faber And His Role In Mixed Martial Arts

Urijah Faber was born in his parents home on May 14th, 1979, in the small college town of Isla Vista. His parents holistic practices would come to influence all aspects of his life, including his successful MMA career and UFC affiliation. Fabers healthy diet and exercise helped gain him early success as a star athlete in the small town where he grew up, excelling in football, wrestling, and other sports. During his college career, he was the starting 133lb wrestler for UC Davis, and became the all time Davis win leader and a two time NCAA D-1 qualifier, finishing in the top twelve in 2002 and going on to the freestyle University Nationals to become a National runner up. After earning his Bachelors of Science in Human Development, Faber remained at UC Davis as the staff wrestling coach and launched his career in the MMA.

After just one month of jiu-jitsu training, Urijah Faber entered his first fight in November 2003 and won, going on to attend the Gladiator Challenge Belt in June of 2004. In September of 2005, Faber experienced his first career defeat, offset by his subsequent six-win streak and a third World Championship Belt for the WEC in March 2006. Fabers ongoing jiu-jitsu training has furthered his success, particularly since the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, practiced most famously in the United States by UFC founder Robert Gracie, emphasizes both grappling and ground fighting techniques.

This martial art and combat sport also promotes the idea that a smaller person can apply the proper leverage and technique to successfully defend themselves against larger opponents. Many MMA fighters have received extensive training in this area because of this. Uriah Fabers training is similar to that of the early Jiu-Jitsu fighters, who saw it as not only a martial art, but also as a sport and a way to build character and promote physical fitness. Fabers healthy lifestyle and intense daily workout regimen and self discipline are a good match for the disciplined principles of this century old martial art,

Since these initial victories, Faber has continued to dominate the 145lb weight class and the MMA, due to his personality, unique fighting style, and marketability. Urijah has earned the nickname The California Kid, as well as a popular official online fan club, endorsements, and more. On December 21, 2006, Faber was featured in MSNBCs four-part documentary, Warrior Nation, and currently has his own line of apparel and merchandise, including limited edition shirts and other clothing items.


Peyton Manning talks

Peyton Manning has been a disaster so far on drives as a Denver Bronco.

The other night, for instance, he left his new house in Cherry Hills to go downtown and drove for 10 minutes the wrong way on I-25 before he figured it out.

"In Indianapolis, I'd go south on the interstate to go downtown, but here, it's north," the Broncos' new QB shrugs. "Seems like every day there's something new to learn. New plays, new players, new city. People ask me if I'm settled in yet. No way, not even close."

Then there's the New Jersey thing. Seeing Peyton Manning in his new Broncos jersey is like seeing Donald Trump in a Greenpeace T-shirt. You want to ask him if he's been Photoshopped.

[+] EnlargePeyton Manning
AP Photo/David Zalubowski
Peyton Manning hasn't played a game in more than a year.
"Before I'd even put it on, they wanted me to sign a bunch of them," Manning says. "And I'm like, 'Can I just sweat in it first? You know, half letter in it? Just seemed weird."

And then this, which is even more upside down: While everybody in Denver squirms waiting to see whether Manning's four-times-operated-on neck will hold up when he gets hit hard for the first time in 19 months, Manning himself can hardly wait.

"I'd like to get it over with," he says. "I really would. I'd kinda just like [Chicago Bears linebacker Brian] Urlacher or somebody to get a good clean shot and just lay me out. Kind of shake the cobwebs out. So I can get up and go, 'Yeah, OK. I'm ready now.' And at least Urlacher wouldn't use me like a footstool to get up, either."

The Broncos start the preseason at the Bears next week, 7:30 p.m. CT. Would 7:45 be convenient, Mr. Urlacher?

Yes, linebackers of the world. Dreams do come true.

We are through the looking glass here, people. After 14 years in Indianapolis, Manning didn't just change horses in midstream -- Colts to Broncos -- he changed languages. For instance, sometimes a receiver will come back to the huddle and ask him about a route. Manning, in a hurry, will answer him entirely in Colts lingo.

"And he'll just kind of stand there looking at me."

Manning has language on the brain lately. A few weeks back, at a golf tournament at Cherry Hills Country Club, he snuck away with the iPhone of a buddy of mine and changed all the fonts to Chinese. The guy was three hours trying to figure out how to get it back. Maybe Manning just wanted him to know how he feels lately?

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Fans seem confused, too. Manning signs every day after practice at Broncos headquarters, even if it's not the quarterbacks' day to sign. He never misses.

"But never in my life did I think I'd be handed a John Elway jersey to sign. And the kid's already got John's signature on it. I tried to talk him out of it. 'Kid, I'm just going to ruin the value. I'm serious.' But he made me sign it anyway."

If Manning does what Elway hopes he does, what Elway and the Broncos gave him $96 million to do, win a Super Bowl, then that jersey might be worth more than a 16-year-old could know how to spend.

"He's come a long way since [he first threw for Elway in March at] Duke," says Elway, the team's executive vice president of football operations. "The ball pops coming out of his hand every time now. It wasn't that consistent at Duke."

So why'd The Duke give him $96 million?

"Because I knew he'd get the ball to them one way or another," Elway laughs. "He always has."

He got it to them plenty Thursday at Broncos camp in front of a record 5,000-plus fans. I counted Manning as 15-for-16 in the live 7-on-7 and 11-on-11 drills. For Broncos faithful, it was like a gully-washer after a yearlong drought. Tim Tebow could go a week and not hit 15 passes.

I asked Manning whether he notices his golf ball going 7 percent farther at a mile high. "Yeah, but I wish it went that much farther for footballs," Manning replies. "I could use an extra 10 yards. I'm 36 years old."

[+] EnlargePeyton Manning
AP Photo/Jack Dempsey
Peyton Manning knows the value of an autograph, especially John Elway's.
Manning seems to love the new air he breathes. He's got a Colorado driver's license, has already registered to vote and has moved into his new 16,000-square-foot home.

But since he arrived, the Colorado news sections have been full of disaster and death. First came the wildfires that left more than 300 homes in ashes. Then came the "Batman" mass murder of 12 at a Century 16 theater in nearby Aurora.

"I'm trying to figure out ways I can help," Manning says with a sigh. "It's been tough." He called two of the moms of the slain theater victims to offer sympathy.

"You know, I learned something through this whole [neck] injury thing. People would call or text and say, 'Hey, we're thinking of you. You're in our prayers.' And at first I was like, 'Nah, I'm fine. I'm good. Don't worry about me.' But after a while, I learned to appreciate what they were saying. They were taking time out to let you know they were worried about you. They meant it. They cared. And you start to be grateful for it. And so I try to do more of that now.

"But as a parent, I can't imagine. I'm lucky. I got the greatest blessing a person can have -- twins. [Mosley, a boy, and Marshall, a girl, are 16 months old.] God gave me that gift. So I didn't need the injury to remind me how lucky I am. I realize how lucky I am every day."

Upstairs, in his office, Elway must feel the same way. He watches Manning below, on his practice field, looking as Peyton Manning as he ever did, and grins.

"Everybody looks at him and goes, 'I just can't get used to seeing him in that jersey,'" Elway says. "But I can. I look at him and think, 'He looks like he's been wearing that thing his whole career.' But I guess I would. I wanted him in it so badly."